Same day appointments with a doctor

Appointments for consultation with a doctor are available from 08:30 until 16.45pm  

If you phone between 08.00-09:00 Monday to Friday we will usually be able to offer you an appointment that day, or a phone call to be able to discuss the problem with a doctor.

Each GP appointment is 15 minutes long. If you wish to have 30 minutes you should ask for a double appointment when you book.

The majority of people are keen to have their health concerns dealt with promptly. For this reason most of our appointments are “bookable on the day”. On very busy days the receptionist may not be able to immediately offer you an appointment on the same day. In this situation you will be offered to book an appointment in advance for our extended hours surgeries.  

Urgent Problems

If you believe the problem is urgent and you have to be seen that day by us, then we will always accommodate you and fit you in as an emergency no matter what time you phone.  The Receptionist will ask for a brief description of your problem. 


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.  Patients who continually book and do not attend may be removed from the Practice list. 

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